Monday 28 April 2014


As I walk down the aisle of one of my first grade classes, I hear two of my students laughing and pointing at me saying, “Black Nika, Black Nika” repeatedly.  I didn’t get the joke and told them to stop, but they continued to think that my blackness was so comical.

Later on that day, I found myself thinking about the situation again, and I began to feel some dismay. So many thoughts were rushing through my mind: After teaching these students for 6 months, why are they still looking at me as a “black” person rather than a human being who has shared fun lessons with them all school year? And who is teaching these young children, no older than 6 or 7 years old, that black people are to be laughed at and stared at? Thoughts like these ran through my mind for a few minutes until I remembered a poem I read by Nayyirah Waheed and realized that my students were right. I am BLACK. 


call me
one of the most beautiful.
you could ever give me.