Wednesday 5 March 2014

Living Outside the Comfort Zone

Dear China,

I have been living here for 5 months, why haven't you warmed up to me yet? I'm sitting in my apartment wearing leggings, sweatpants, two pair of socks, a long-sleeved shirt, a sweatshirt, and a hooded sweater and still freezing because my heater hasn't worked in months and the trusty heating pad I've been using to stay warm has begun to leave an awful mark on my legs. But that isn't my only issue with you, China. I usually do not like to complain about my circumstances because I know it could always always always be worse; however, you have been causing me a lot of grief lately.

In order for us to move forward with our relationship, I thought it would be smart for me to come to you with my grievances so we could hash them out like two adults. I understand that this is not America and many of the amenities I have grown accustomed to over the past 20+ years are not available to me, but I think the level of comfort you have subjected me to is reminiscent of medieval times. In addition to the aforementioned lack of heat, I have a stove top that won't light a fire, a toilet that won't flush, a mattress that's about as comfortable as sleeping on a cardboard box, and god forbid I try to take too many hot showers because then you'd tell me I am using too much electricity. You have made the simplest tasks, like eating and using the restroom, so difficult for me. Why must you play hard to get?

I'm not sure if you are expecting me to go outside and rub sticks together for fire or dig a hole in the ground for my waste, but you are making it too easy to want to go back to America where I can live comfortably. But I like you, China. I wouldn't want to end our engagement prematurely. I know some of my peers have left you and returned to the USA, and I admit you can be a little hard to get along with at times. I would never leave you, though, because quitting is not an option. I made a commitment to stay here for 9 months and I will honor it. When I have a rough day and start to get frustrated with you, I convince myself that you are simply challenging me by testing my endurance and strength. In a way I guess I should thank you. 

As stated by William A. Ward in one of my favorite quotes, "Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records." You can't break me, China.
