Sunday 15 February 2015

Getting to know Qatar..

As expected, many of my friends and family members have been asking me about my experience in the Middle East thus far. Nearly every day I read a new message asking “How’s Qatar?" or  "How do you like it over there?,” and although I love the fact that people are interested in my life and well-being, I hate receiving this question because honestly I do not know how to answer it. In the past when when asked my opinion about certain places I have travelled to I’d answer reluctantly with an “it’s okay” or “its pretty cool so far” as to not make any presumptuous opinions about a place that I am not really familiar with. In this case, however, I really do not know. I've genuinely struggled with deciding whether or not I like living in Qatar, and I have finally figured out why..

Qatar has no personality. It’s dry. It’s like that one girl in school who you wanted to be friends with, but whenever you hung out with her you were so bored. She didn't really have much to talk about, no hobbies, no sense of humor, nothing made her stand out from anyone else, and when she tried to be cool it just made the situation even worse... Well Qatar is the same way. There’s not much to like here, but there’s also not much to hate either. I basically live in the middle of nowhere (the pictures do not lie), and if and when I want to go out into the city to explore all that Qatar has to offer, it requires a 20-30 minute cab right which isn’t exactly the most economical situation.

Nonetheless, I have made it a point to get to know Qatar a little better, despite a bland first impression, and my roommates have also done their part in showing me around and taking me to some of their favorite local venues. So far, my favorite place to visit is The Corniche, a waterfront promenade lined with restaurants, coffee shops, and many tall buildings that light up at night *heart eyes emoji*. Even during the day, though, I find the scenery to be beautiful as well as relaxing, and I enjoy taking a stroll along the water while engaging in good conversation or visiting one of the nearby art museums. Its one of the few places in the desert where I can find trees, and bushes, and water, so I definitely see myself making a lot more trips to The Corniche in the months to come.

Here are a few of pictures of me at The Corniche:

-  FBG

“Cities were always like people, showing their varying personalities to the traveler. Depending on the city and on the traveler, there might begin a mutual love, or dislike, friendship, or enmity. Where one city will rise a certain individual to glory, it will destroy another who is not suited to its personality. Only through travel can we know where we belong or not, where we are loved and where we are rejected.” - Roman Payne