Sunday 8 December 2013

Three Little Birds.

According to the experts, there are 6 stages of adjustment a foreigner experiences when immersed in a new culture for an extended period of time:

1. Preliminary Stage (preparation before arrival)
2. Initial Euphoria/"Honeymoon phase"
3. Irritability/"Hostility Phase"
4. Gradual Adjustment (Familiarity with the new culture)
5. Adaptation and Bi-culturalism (sense of "foreignness" is diminished)
6. Re-entry phase (after returning home)

I have been living in China for 2 months now, so I think it's safe to say that the honeymoon phase is pretty much over. However, the remaining stages are transient, so it's hard to tell exactly which stage I am in at the moment. Some days I feel like I have adjusted to this new culture and have graduated to stage 4, while other days I feel like I am stuck in stage 3 - Irritability.

There are many things custom to everyday life in China that irritate me but are manageable. For instance, hearing honking and fireworks outside my window at 6:30 am or freezing all day because my Chinese co-workers like to keep the windows and doors open at all times - rain, sleet, snow, or smog. But sometimes situations arise that I just cannot handle.

Last week, a series of unfortunate events occurred that made me question my decision to come to China. Let's just say it was a struggle week.

Monday morning.
I overslept a bit (because I don't believe in using alarm clocks) and while I rushed to get dressed somehow I dropped my bottle of perfume on the floor, sending a billion tiny pieces of glass flying across the room. Once I finally arrive at school, about 45 minutes later than I originally planned, I intend to complete my lesson plans for the day - because of course I did not finish them over the weekend; however, I can't find my flash drive with all my lesson plans on it anywhere. At this point it's crunch time, and there is only about an hour left before I begin teaching for the day, so I run across the street to Auchan (a Walmart-esque store) and buy another flash drive. I make it back to school and complete my lesson plans in time for class. Whew!

Monday afternoon.
I go to the bathroom and have another encounter with the infamous toilet. This time my apartment keys fall out of my pocket into the deep, dark hole. Now I may have been crazy enough to reach my arm in the toilet to get my iPhone, but some keys? Nah. Plus, I had a spare key anyways - or so I thought. Turns out my "spare key" is bogus and does not actually work for my door & and my school coordinator was unable to get me in my apartment, so I was locked out of my room for 24 hours. Luckily, I was able to spend the night with the other FBG who teaches at my school.

Tuesday morning.
Back at school, freezing and wearing the same clothes I wore the day before. I feel yucky, but it is actually common for the teachers at my school to wear the same outfit multiple days in a row so "When in China.." right? My school coordinator alludes to the idea that I will be staying at my coworkers apartment for another night - IRRITABILITY.

Tuesday afternoon.
Great news. My school coordinator informs me that they have changed my locks & I will be able to get into my apartment. Amen. When I finally arrived at my apartment after a long day of teaching, I turn on the heat, put my iTunes on shuffle, and hop in the shower. While I am in the shower the famous Bob Marley song, Three Little Birds, comes on... "Don't worry about a thing, 'cuz every little thing is gonna be alright."

All I could do was smile.

I think this will be my theme song for the remainder of my "Irritability Phase."

Here's a video clip if you're unfamiliar w/ the song: