Sunday 30 March 2014

A Day at the Park

As the weather begins to warm up a bit and spring begins to peak its head through the cloudy smog that surrounds China, I decide to take a celebratory trip to the park. Once I arrive at the park, I realize I am not the only person with this brilliant idea. Although the park is pretty packed, being there is almost like taking a break from the "real" China. Contrary to the fast-paced lifestyle that consumes every day China, at the park everyone walks slow and holds pleasant facial expressions, as if they are truly taking in every bit of nature that is offered to them. The usual sounds of people yelling and whining become the sounds of people playing their traditional Chinese instruments for crowds of people who stop by to listen.

When I arrive at the park, I listen to the music for a few moments before attempting to find my own space of solitude to read my book, listen to music, and eat the fruit and nuts I have brought along with me. Being at the park on the cusp of winter, when the weather is 75 degrees for the first time all year was almost nostalgic - It reminded me of the first warm day in spring at Howard University when everyone would be on the yard, pressed to be seen after a long winter of hibernating and dodging the cold weather. The weather was so nice, I truly enjoyed my time at the park and the stares didn't even bother me. I even made a new friend who I talked to for a few hours. It was a peculiar conversation because he didn't speak English and i don't speak Chinese, but with the help of technology we were able to make it work. He started to get a little too comfortable and tried to follow me home (long story), but fortunately I was able to dodge him.

After what seemed liked the longest winter ever, I am welcoming spring with open arms!! I am excited for more warm days to come.