Sunday 29 December 2013

Home for the Holidays

nostalgia (n). 
1. the state of being homesick: homesickness
2. a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition

Nostalgia was at an all time high this week. As I reminisced about spending time with my "crazy" relatives, opening gifts around the Christmas tree and enjoying delicious Christmas dinners, suddenly China felt a lot colder and lonelier.

After a long day of teaching on December 25th, I returned to my apartment where I devoured a box of Frosted Flakes and watched Netflix in my bed for the remainder of the evening. Merry Christmas to me!  

Later that night, I received a Skype video call from my mother, and even in my 20s, hearing her voice seems to make everything better. She was in Alabama celebrating the holidays with the rest of my extended family, and their Christmas day was just beginning as mine was nearing it's end. Although I was miles away in distance, for a moment I did not feel so far away from home. Being able to see everyone's smiling faces saying "We love you" and "We miss you" and "We're so proud of you" was the greatest Christmas gift I received and definitely made my day.

Before I retired for the evening, I laid in my bed thinking for a while. For a moment I felt selfish for not being with my family for Christmas. As a daughter/granddaughter/ sister/niece/cousin/etc., I feel as though it is my one obligation to be present for the holidays, and this year I did not live up to my end of the deal. Being away from home for the holidays sucks, and I don't want to miss anymore Christmases away from my family. Ya live and ya learn.

On a brighter note, I was able to share a little Christmas spirit with my students this week, and I think they enjoyed it more than I did.

Merry Christmas from my heart to yours!
See you next year!