Sunday 17 November 2013

Culture Shock - Part 2

Reminders to Self:

Patience is a virtue, personal space is NOT
There is firm usage of the rule: the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, even if you must walk through someone to get to your destination
Everyone wears glasses. Literally.
Hanging your freshly-washed 'undergarments' along the sidewalk is completely acceptable 
You don't say "bless you" when someone sneezes; You just don't
And there's no need to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough or belch - its natural, right?
 You will learn about schedule changes & important events less than an hour before the start time - Stay Strapped
There's always traffic, remember the population of China is > 1 billion
People will stare at you; Intently (had to reiterate this point)
When you ask someone for something specific, be prepared to receive something completely unrelated in return..
Ex: I asked my school coordinator to look at my contract and she handed me a fruit peeler, accompanied with a warm smile of course
And most importantly, SAVE FACE (see explanation below)

Save Face Theory: "Saving Face" is an important aspect of Chinese culture. It implies that all individuals must show respect towards each other and avoid disgracing or embarrassing anyone else at any time, even in situations where an individual needs correcting or chastising. Basically you never want to confront someone about their wrongdoings in front of their peers or in public, which would ultimately cause one to "lose face." To me, it's sort of like when your grandma says something that is completely wrong, like 'Michael Jackson has a new song out,' but you can't correct her because she's your elder and you could risk getting slapped upside the head for talking back.