Sunday 20 October 2013

Culture Shock.

Thoughts to self:
Forget everything you knew before you got here.
Every rule you were ever told to follow does not apply in China. 
Why does that baby have a huge slit in the crotch of his pants? And where is his diaper?
It's perfectly normal to wear the same outfit 3 days in a row.
Why are these men smoking directly in front of the "No Smoking" sign?
Public restrooms are a hole in the ground. Literally.
Oh, don't forget to bring your own toilet paper.
Everyone is staring at me, I guess it's not rude to stare here.
I guess its okay to use the restroom in the middle of the street, too.
Don't say "thank you" too much, Chinese people might find it offensive.
Do I have to eat everything with these chopsticks? Even a chicken leg?
If it has a face, I'm not eating it.
There's no such thing as a line. You better get in where you fit in.
The words "excuse me" do not exist in the Chinese language.
The lines in the street & street lights are more like suggestions than actual guidelines 
& car horns are a way of saying "I'm coming through whether you move or not!"
Finding wifi is like finding the pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow. 
How do I say "I don't know Chinese" in Chinese?!!
This. Is. China. We're not in Kansas anymore.